Disorder characterized by the occurrence of spontaneous panic and unpredictableoccurrence. This disorder usually affects children aged late teens or early adulthoodand is usually chronic. Each patient is different symptoms. The cause of suchdisorders is possible because of genetic factors, the failure mechanism of defenseagainst the impulse that causes anxiety, or substance causes panic (panikogen) that is not balanced.
Common symptoms, the patient unable to name the source of his fears. If you are experiencing such an attack, patients usually sweating, shaking choking feeling, a sense of shortness of breath, dizziness, fear of dying, numbness and shivering. The attacks usually occur for 20-30 minutes and disappear slowly, sometimes quickly.
Treatment is done by drug therapy, psychological, and social in patients. But the bestwas the attention of people around the patient.
Disorder characterized by the occurrence of spontaneous panic and unpredictableoccurrence. This disorder usually affects children aged late teens or early adulthoodand is usually chronic. Each patient is different symptoms. The cause of suchdisorders is possible because of genetic factors, the failure mechanism of defenseagainst the impulse that causes anxiety, or substance causes panic (panikogen) that is not balanced.
Common symptoms, the patient unable to name the source of his fears. If you are experiencing such an attack, patients usually sweating, shaking choking feeling, a sense of shortness of breath, dizziness, fear of dying, numbness and shivering. The attacks usually occur for 20-30 minutes and disappear slowly, sometimes quickly.
Treatment is done by drug therapy, psychological, and social in patients. But the bestwas the attention of people around the patient.
Drug, medicine, or diseases which are possible related to this topic are:
Penjelasan Dalam Bahasa Indonesia
DiskripsiGangguan yang ditandai dengan terjadinya rasa panik spontan dan tidak dapat diperkirakan kemunculannya. Gangguan ini biasanya menyerang anak usia remaja akhir atau masa dewasa awal dan biasanya bersifat kronik. Tiap penderita berbeda gejalanya. Penyebab dari gangguan seperti ini dimungkinkan karena faktor genetik, kegagalan mekanisme pertahanan terhadap impuls yang menyebabkan kecemasan, atau karena zat penyebab panik (panikogen) yang tidak seimbang.
Gejala umum, pasien tidak mampu menyebutkan sumber ketakutannya. Jika sedang mengalami serangan seperti itu, pasien biasanya berkeringat, gemetaran perasaan tercekik, rasa sesak napas, pusing, rasa takut mati, mati rasa dan menggigil. Serangan itu biasanya terjadi selama 20-30 menit dan hilang dengan perlahan, terkadang juga cepat.
Perawatan dilakukan dengan terapi obat, psikologis, dan sosial pada penderita. Namun yang terbaik adalah perhatian dari orang di sekitar pasien.
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